NewsAs it should be, The 3rd Cybersecurity HS Summer Camp was a success!
More → Once again, the 2nd HS Summer Camp was a success!!!
More →Scholars of the Scholarship for Cybersecurity Excellence presented their work at the FloCon2017
More →The first HS Cybersecurity Summer camp was a success!
More → Es con mucho placer que nos comunicamos nuevamente para dar más detalles del campamento de seguridad cibernética para estudiantes de escuela secundaria auspiciado para la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Río Piedras y la Fundación Nacional para las Ciencias bajo el proyecto ATACK-PR.
Queremos recordarles que el campamento comienza el martes 5 de julio del 2016 y termina el viernes 15 de julio del 2016 y que estos son de 8:30AM - 12:30PM. El primer día 5 de julio es bien importante que los padres o guardián legal de los estudiantes asistan de 8:30AM a 9:30AM a una breve bienvenida donde se les va a hablar del campamento y se darán más instrucciones y se contestarán dudas y preguntas. Recogeremos los documentos adjuntos en este correo con las firmas. Es importante traer la copia del plan médico y todos los documentos firmados.
Es importante que lleguen puntualmente en los salones y que vengan desayunados. Diariamente vamos a ofrecer una merienda a los estudiantes, pero no habrá desayuno, ni almuerzo. Los estudiantes deben ser recogidos en los predios de la Facultad de Ciencias Naturales una vez culminen las actividades de cada día a las 12:30PM.
El primer día 5 de julio nos vamos a reunir en el anfiteatro A-211 de la facultad de ciencias naturales que es en el mismo edificio donde se llevará a cabo el campamento. Luego nos movemos a los salones A-141 y A-143 donde se llevarán a cabo las actividades de aprendizaje del campamento todos los días.
El miércoles 13 de julio hemos organizado un recorrido por el museo y la torre de la UPR. Este recorrido será en la tarde desde las 1:30PM. Cada estudiante debe traer su almuerzo o dinero para almorzar en el centro de estudiantes ($5.00 - $6.00 debe ser suficiente).
El primer día le obsequiaremos una camisa del campamento a los estudiantes que confirmaron su participación con tiempo.
Habrá sorpresas para los estudiantes que completen el campamento.
Fechas importantes:
martes 5 de julio
Comienza el campamento. Los padres tienen que asistir de 8:30 - 9:30AM
miércoles 13 de julio
Recorrido por el museo y la torre de la UPR comenzando a la 1:30 pm (el campamento se reúne a su horario regular de 8:30AM-12:30PM)
viernes 15 de julio
Último día del campamento. Los padres pueden participar de 11:30AM a 12:30PM en la entrega de certificados de participación
Documentos importantes para llenar y firmar
MAPA de localización del campamento
Many students of the UPR-RP Computer Science department participated in a two days Memory Forensics workshop.
More →Bianca Colón and Grace Rodriguez, scholars of the Scholarship for Excellence in Cybersecurity, participated in the Women in Cybersecurity conference 2016.
More →Dr. Ortiz-Ubarri presented the talk Intro to Cybersecurity in 80 minutes at the Tech Blast conference 2016 at the UPR-Mayagüez.
More →The project ATACK-PR was presented in the SIDIM 2016 conference.
More →Talk: Why Get Research Experience and How to Balance School & Personal Life? (for the undergraduate seminar) When: Monday February 22, 2016 Where: Natural Sciences A-211 Time: 11:30AM - 1:00PM
More → Talk: Boosting the Efficiency of Network Application Diagnoses & Network Experiment Deployment
by Dra. Yanyan Zhuang
When: Tuesday February 23, 2016, 10:00 am a 11:20 am Where: Auditorio Jesús E. Amaral Escuela de Arquitectura (Building Next to Natural Sciences)
More →Three students and the System Administrator of the CS department participated in the TracerFire Workshop Organized by Sandia Labs at the ACSAC 2015 Conference in Los Angeles.
More →Dr. José Ortiz-Ubarri, PI of the ATACKPR grant gave the talk: ATACK: Academics and Training for the Advancement of Cybersecurity Knowledge in the Symposium of Health Informatics in Latin America and the Caribbean & Hacking Medicine in the Caribbean.
More → Students participated of the second Malcon 2015 Capture the Flag competition that was held the 22 of October of 2015 at the Conquistador Hotel in Fajardo Puerto Rico.
More →Students participated of the first CAHSI 2015 Capture the Flag competition that was held the 12 of September of 2015 at the Caribe Hilton Hotel in San Juan.
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Scholarship for Women Studying Information Security.
More → Five undergraduate students from the Computer Science department participated in Cybersecurity related Undergraduate Research Experiences and Interships. The students José de la Vega, Julio de la Cruz, and Ramón Collazo participated in an intership at the National Institute of Standards and Technology NIST, Daniel Ramirez participated in the REU program at the University of Texas at Dallas, and Grace Rodríguez participated in the Computing Sciences Summer Student Program en Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory en Berkeley, California
More →Dr. José R. Ortiz-Ubarri presented the work Toa: A Web-Based NetFlow Data Network Monitoring System at Scale at the 2015 IEEE Big Data Congress
More → The students Christian Maldonado, Ian Dávila, Luis Albertorio, Bianca Colón, Hector Roman, and Christopher de Jesús, professors José Ortiz-Ubarri, Humberto Ortiz-Zuazaga, and Rafael Arce-Nazario, and UPR-RP IT Felipe Torres and Luis Flores attended the Security BSidesPR 2015 supported by the ATACK-PR project.
More → Bianca Colón and Mariecarmen Reynoso attend the 2nd Women in Cybersecurity Conference held at the Atlanta Marriot Hotel from March 27 to March 28 2015 in Atlanta Georgia.
More →Creating a Diverse CyberSecurity Program
More → Auditing and Privacy in Clouds by Dr. Tyrone Grandison
More → PolyPasswordHasher: Gaining the Higher Ground Against Password Crackers
More → Seattle: Harnessing Community Resources For Cloud Computing
More →Professor José Ortiz-Ubarri presented Toa: A Web-Based NetFlow Data Network Monitoring System at the FloCon2015 conference
More →Professors and students from the CS department attended the 2014 Annual Computer Security Applications Conference
More →Scholarship for Cybersecurity Excellence students presented their research work in the talks about Computer Science seminar of the CS department of UPRRP
More →Professors from the UPRRP CS department attended the 2014 Malware Conference (Malcon 2014)
More →Students of the University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras participated of the CSAW'2014 capture the flag competition.
More →This project, at the University of Puerto Rico-Rio Piedras, is the first step in creating a research, development, and education program in cybersecurity at the institution.
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