Students of the University of Puerto Rico - Rio Piedras participated of the CAHSI'2015 capture the flag competition and presented their undergraduate work.
Students from the UPR participated of the first CAHSI Capture the Flag competition that was held the 12 of September of 2015 at the Caribe Hilton Hotel in San Juan. Out of 14 teams that included students from graduate programs and students from well established Cybersecurity programs our two teams from the University of Puerto Rico Río Piedras got the positions two and seven. The group that obtained the second place was awarded with a special price.

The CAHSI 2015 summit engages faculty, students, industry, and other collaborators in activities that: (1) Build connections, (2) Disseminate effective and promising practices, (3) Prepare students for pursuing higher education and productive careers in computing, (4) Promote conversations and actions that address advancement of Hispanics in Computing.
To be the first CAHSI CTF competition it was well organized, and the competition ran smoothly without technical difficulties. The students seemed happy to be participated and celebrated each flag captured. It was a really fun event.
Two groups of students participated in the CAHSI 2015 Capture the Flag:
- Daniel Santiago, Ián Dávila, Christian Maldonado
- Julio de la Cruz, Ramón Collazo, Christopher de Jesus
Besides participating in the CTF seven students presented their undergraduate research work in Cybersecurity. It was a great opportunity to disseminate their work and to network with other undergraduate and graduate students in Computer Sciences from other Hispanic Serving Institutions.
Seven students presented their undergraduate research work related to Cybersecurity:
- Bianca Colón: Techniques for Anomaly Detection in Network Flows
- Grace Rodríguez: Techniques for Anomaly Detection in IPv4 and IPv6 Network Flows
- Luis Albertorio, Hector Román: Mobile Malware Detection By Deception
- José A. Valles: Automated Anomaly Detection Within The Toa Network Flow Data Monitoring System
- Daniel Santiago: A Secure Embedded Student Attendance Monitoring System for Arduino
- Julio de la Cruz: Building and Painting the Cloud Rubik’s Cube at NIST in collaboration with Matthew Landen from UMBC
Two other students presented their research work on other Computer Science topics:
- Gustavo Melendez: On the Cross-Correlation of Symmetries of Three-dimensional Periodic Welch Costas Arrays
- Efraín Vargas Ramos: Multivariate Time Series Analysis